The Future of eCommerce: How AI is Revolutionising the Industry
How AI will change the eCommerce landscape and the effects on peoples jobs
The environmental cost of returns and what to do about it; ESG Conference, London
How industry needs to change to meet ESG targets, and how data is more important than human emotion
How to grow your ecom business during a recession, eCommerce Expo
eCommerce Expo, Excel Arena, London
Business Growth Pains: From Founder to CEO, Cooper Parry Hub
From Founder to CEO, the challenges and personal growth required to go from a company of two people, to over one hundred
Brexit checklist: Everything Amazon Sellers need to know to prepare for cross border trade
Watch our Q&A with James Hyde and Luke Nava from ecommerce fulfilment specialists, James & James to hear the latest on changes you need to implement to continue operating with minimal disruption from 1st January 2021.
What to do when everyone unexpectedly wants your product, IRX Engage
An interview with a client to discuss the issues during Covid or unexpected, high demand. Part of a series for Internet Retailing magazine.
How Covid has forced us to challenge ourselves
Covid 19 has forced many changes upon us, but how many of those changes were waiting to happen anyway and what was really stopping them?
Overseas Expansion Panel, Elite Business Live
Panellist discussing how to successfully grow your business overseas.
Customer Experience, NZTE eCommerce Day @ Google
Speaking at Google’s Holborn office about how fulfilment can help, or hinder, the customer experience. Organised by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise.
Taking Technology to Market, University of Cambridge
Speaking to Engineering students studying Manufacturing and Management, I presented a one hour presentation followed by Q&A on taking technology to market.
Talking about variety with Exeter University
Last week I met with Prof. Roger Maull, Academic Director of Digital Economy at Exeter University, to discuss how variety affects business productivity at James and James Fulfilment.
Founding James and James Fulfilment
I often get asked how James and James Fulfilment was started, so here’s the low down on what made two people called James decide to get in to logistics.